Sunday, October 30, 2011

Choose A Friend

Al-Qamah message (a Rasulullah saw friend) to the child:

1.     choose friend that like protect the friend, he is ornament ourselves and if we in maintenance lack, he like sufficient need.

2.     choose a friend that when you reach to proffer good merit or your help, he like accept with felt touched, if it see good that there is in your self, he like collected (say).

3.    choose a friend that when you reach to proffer good merit or your help, it like accept with felt touched and considered so useful, and if this know on your self weakness it like cover up.

4.    choose friend that if you request something from him, definitely it give, if you shut up, he start greet you once and if is something difficulty and grief which befell your self, he helpful and ease you and entertain you.

5.     friend that if you said, it like allow speech and not always believed in only. If you put something issue that her weight like work out and if you conflict with him, he like to concede to your interest.

In choosing our friend should choose friend that is good so that all objective and desire to champions Islam feasible together
friend that is noble.

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